Monday, May 05, 2014

On Defense in Depth: Web Application Security starts at checking the source IP

On Defense in Depth: Web Application Security starts at checking the source IP. Even if you have firewalls and proxies in front of your application server you must have access as a developer to the original IP for the user and the URLs managing private information must be restricted to Intranet use.

Let us say for example that you have prepared a report with a list of users with some sensitive information (like their real home addresses) for certain high privileged roles only. Let us supposed this has ben exposed not only in your intranet web front end but also on the one facing the outside. Right there your issues start. Now, the user can access this information from outside the company premises which means it will be of public knowledge if the user session is compromised.

However if you have designed your middle tier to check for the source IP the user won't be able to access the service from outside even if the functionality leaked for whatever reason.

It is then crucial that all sensitive information related HTTP endpoints are identified. Those should not allow external IPs. It is also crucial to inspect your logs and confirm that you are getting the real IPs from the users that are hitting your system.

Use Defense in Depth concepts when building applications.

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